Displaced Logo

As an intercultural/interracial adoptee, immigrant, minority, and single mother of two, I find myself falling into many roles & categories yet unable to fit under a single one—perpetually displaced. Recent events concerning adoption, immigration, and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic have revealed many others in similar situations. People are longing for connection and empathy, yet finding themselves isolated and misunderstood. This moving collage explores the dynamic of uprooted relationships, physical distance, and diverse experiences behind a single event.

Dedicated to all who’ve ever felt displaced.

Renee Meyer Ernst / 하미예

NOTE: There are three versions of this website, all viewable from the same URL. Each version explores three different questions:

Where did all the children go?
Where will all the children go?
Where should all the children go?

The theme and question displayed depends on the device you’re using, as well as the orientation of the device (mobile portrait, mobile landscape, desktop/tablet). Why? Because in this world, perspective is everything.